Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gotrek and Felix

Felix Jaeger, Gotrek's loyal companion 

OOP figurine painted in 2008

Gotrek Gurnisson, Dwarf Slayer

OOP figurine painted in 2008

Gotrek and Felix, Dogs of War rare unit

Cost : 475 Points

Special Rules : skirmishers, cannot join units (as long as Gotrek is alive) .Gotrek is a Dwarf Slayer Lord, (whatever its target endurance, strength will always be equal unless it is higher), unbreakables, ultimate attack. As long as Gotrek is alive, Felix and Gotrek have magic resistance (2) and a 4 + ward save.

Gotrek: Rune axe (+1A for each initial attack that hits the target, any opponent with toughness 5 or more looses 2W instead of 1; no armor saves allowed)
Felix: light armor; magic sword (+2A, Felix has to charge any dragon within charge range, and Felix can re-roll missed attacks and failed rolls to wound against dragons)

Efficiency : Very good in melee, even against monsters with high toughness. They are robust, unbreakables, and can change the outcome of a battle.

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